Source: site.view [edit]
Function name: gfAboutNoRewards
Arguments: coins
Description: About/Welcome page for Rewards@Home screensaver
Page type: html
Render function:  
Module: sandbox

Page source:

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              <h2><a href="#">Welcome to the Rewards@Home Screensaver!</a></h2>

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<h2>The Rewards@Home Screensaver</h2>
   <!-- td> <img src=""></img></td -->
   <td>The Rewards@Home screensaver features a <a href="[[Settings:photos]]">customizable list</a> of the most beautiful <a href="[[Images]]">photo slideshows</a> from the web and optionally your <a href="WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=gfFaq(%coins%)">local photos</a>, a <a href="[[Settings:news]]">directory</a> of <a href="[[News]]">news feeds</a> to keep you updated, and more!</td>
<!-- tr>
   <td> <img src=""></img></td>
   <td>As you use the free screensaver, you acquire reward points that you can redeem for a number of <a href="[[Rewards]],none)">valuable prizes</a>.</td>
   <td> <img src=""></img></td>
   <td>Choose whether you want to use your reward points to <a href="[[Rewards]],none)">change the world in a positive way</a> (charitable causes), or whether you would like to reserve some points for changing your <a href="[[Rewards]]">own financial picture</a>.</td>
</tr -->

The Rewards@Home Screensaver utilizes the host computer idle's processing power to perform complex calculations used to predict financial markets. This use of idle compute power helps the environment by reducing material consumption. <p>
Want to learn more?  See our <a href="WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=gfFaqNoRewards(%coins%)">Frequently Asked Questions</a>
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  <p>(c) 2009</p>