Source: site.view [edit]
Function name: demo
Page type: html
Render function:  
Module: maybeathome

Page source:

<h1>TO SETUP</h1>

<LI> In browser 1 (e.g. chrome), goto  If you see Coming Soon, you need to login first. Go to and login as unacheter with the pw
<LI> In browser 2 (e.g. internet explorer), goto If you see Coming Soon, you need to login first. Go to and login as unagent with the pw
<LI> To clear old messages, go to
<h1>Un Agent</h1>
<LI> Click the maybeathome logo, or go to  You arrive at the list of properties that you manage.
<LI> Click on property Rule Charles Laffitte.  Goto calendar view.  Click on a date.  Set availability for a few days.

<h1>Un Acheter</h1>
<LI> Click the maybeathome logo, or go to  You will arrive at the searching page.
<LI> Select Appartement and type 92200, click on Neuilly Sur Seine from the autocomplete.
<LI> Click on map on one of the results.  Click on a few properties, then click View Details.
<LI> Select the property Rue Charles Laffitte.  Look at photos.  Click on calendar, see availability.
<LI> Click on messages.  Click on "Seller: unagent" and then write a message: "I'm interested in trying the house on Friday."

<h1>Un Agent</h1>
<LI> Refresh messages.  See new message from unacheteur.
<LI> Go to calendar, choose Friday, click "Reserver", fill in date Fri-Sat), fill in Nom de Locataire 'unagent', and Prix de location: 1000.
<LI> Click unagent (not EVERYONE!) and then hit send.

<h1>Un Acheter</h1>
<LI>Refresh messages and see new message.  Click on link Cliquez Ici.  
<LI> Click Pay with Card.  Fill in a fake email, card number 4111 1111 1111 1111, date 11/21, cvv 111.  Click pay $1000.
<LI> Click calendar and see that now marked "Reserved"