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								<h1>"Absolutely Magical!"</h1>
								<p><b>Bring a spark of magic to your event</b></p>
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								<h1>"Positively Perplexing"</h1>
								<p><b>Our magicians can entertain in any environment</b></p>
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                            <p class="subtitle">Our Magicians</p>
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                                                    <i class="fa fa-male"></i>
                                                    <p align="center">Noah Cheyer</p>
                                          <h4 align="center">Noah Cheyer</h4></center>
                                        <p>Noah is a rising star of Magic in the Bay Area, having performed at events ranging from
                                           kids birthday parties to private events for the Silicon Valley elite. </p>
                                        <p>A specialist in card magic
                                           and close-up manipulation, he is also skilled at stage magic, with illusions incorporating
                                           mind reading, ropes, silks, money, and more.  With his fun-loving personality, he's a favorite
                                          of kids and adults alike.</p>
                                        <p>Noah once performed a sleight-of-hand trick that was so skilled,
                                           the reigning World Champion of Magic asked, "Wow, how did you do that, is that a gimmick?"</p>

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                                                    <i class="fa fa-male"></i>
                                                    <p align="center">Zoe Lafleur</p>
                                          <h4 align="center">Zoe Lafleur</h4></center>
                                        <p>In 2019, Zoe Lafleur became the youngest ever performer on the popular TV series, Penn and Teller Fool Us.
                                           Her routine received high praise from the famous judges, with Penn going so far as to state, "This is one of
                                           the best performances we've ever had on the show."  Shin Lim, a two-time winner of America's Got Talented 
                                           and the World Champion of Card Magic 2015 wrote "Wow, she's really good!  And she fooled me!  I actually have no idea
                                           how she did it, I'll have to watch again."</p>                          
                                        <p>Zoe is known for her poise and confidence when presenting to an audience.  She weaves stories with cards, she can 
                                           bend the future to her will, and she is skilled at walkaround and closeup for corporate events or kid parties.</p>  
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                                                    <i class="fa fa-male"></i>
                                                    <p align="center">Adam Cheyer</p>
                                          <h4 align="center">Adam Cheyer</h4></center>
                                        <p>Adam has been a magic afficianado since the 1970's.  When performing, he makes sure
                                           that every participant has fun and sees something amazing that they will remember
                                           for years to come.  Adam specializes in private and corporate events, entertaining regularly at
                                           companies large and small around the Bay Area.</p>                          
                                        <p>Adam is a member of the prestigious Magic Castle in Los Angeles, the Academy of Magical Arts (AMA), and
                                           the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM).  He has performed on stage in front of thousands, 
                                           on TV for millions (including the well-known "Penn and Teller Fool Us" show),
                                           entertained heads of state with closeup magic and mentalism, and fooled some of the top pros in the business.</p>  
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                                <p class="subtitle">We can spice up any event</p>
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                                        <p>"[The magicians] were professional, courteous and a ton of fun. Both adults and kids were completely entertained and thrilled with the experience. They even taught my son, 8 a magic trick at the end and left the materials for him to keep. A priceless memory for my family."</p>
                                        <footer><cite title="Source Title">Catherine S.</cite></footer>
                                <div class="item">
                                        <p>"As [my son] simply stated to me, 'Noah is the best magician I've ever seen in my life.'"</p>
                                        <footer><cite title="Source Title">Ben H.</cite></footer>
                                <div class="item">
                                        <p>"Thank you for providing such a magical experience for [my daughter] and all her friends, Saturday.  They really loved the show!"</p>
                                        <footer><cite title="Source Title">Dan W.</cite></footer>
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                                        <p>"Fun and Friendly! The magic was astonishing to everyone at the party, kids and parents alike. My son had a wonderful time, and after the party, he asked us if he could take a magic class at camp the following summer."</p>
                                        <footer><cite title="Source Title">Jonathan C.</cite></footer>
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                                        <p>"We had a party of about 20 kids ranging from age 5-14. The show was outstanding! All kids were completely engaged and entertained the entire time! The adults watching were scratching their heads in disbelief! I highly recommend this magic performance for any party!"</p>
                                        <footer><cite title="Source Title">Joanna P.</cite></footer>
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                                        <p>"Adam was amazing : everybody loves his show !!!! Thanks so much !!"</p>
                                        <footer><cite title="Source Title">Alicia M.</cite></footer>
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                                        <p>"Quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
                                        consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
                                        cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
                                        proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit".</p>
                                        <footer><cite title="Source Title">John Doe</cite></footer>
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                                    <span class="rotate-box-icon"><i class="fa fa-birthday-cake"></i></span>
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                                        <h4>Birthday Parties</h4>
                                        <p>Both kids and adults will be entranced by the amazicraziness of what's happening during
                                           your birthday party magic show.  Assisted by numerous volunteers from the audience, your
                                           magician will make the experience extra magical for the Birthday Boy or Girl.
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                                        <h4>Private Parties</h4>
                                        <p>Our magicians have entertained at private parties of more than 200 guests, featuring many of
                                           Silicon Valley's technology elite.  Using a parlor magic or strolling style, we can bring
                                           many moments of amazement to your party-goers.</p>
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                                    <span class="rotate-box-icon"><i class="fa fa-black-tie"></i></span>
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                                        <h4>Strolling Magic</h4>
                                        <p>We can do walk-around or street-style magic at any event, informally approaching groups of guests at your event
                                           to add a spark of fun and amazement.</p>
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                                        <h4>Corporate Events</h4>
                                        <p>Our magicians can provide the entertainment for crowds who have seen it all.  If you want something different
                                           for your corporate event, look no farther than</p>
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                                            <h2>Media Gallery</h2>
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                                            <p class="subtitle">Videos and photos of just a few of our performances</p>
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                                            <li><a href="#porfolio_menu" data-filter=".Birthday">Birthday Parties</a></li>
                                            <li><a href="#porfolio_menu" data-filter=".Card">Card Magic</a></li>
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                                                        <img src="" alt="title">
														<a class="youtube" href="" 
                                                           title="Penn and Teller Fool Us">Adam on Penn and Teller Fool Us<br><br>(click for video)</a>
                                                        <span><br>Adam teaches Penn and Teller a lesson about Entrepreneurship
                                           <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 Birthday Card Stage">
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                                                        <img src="" alt="title">
														<a class="youtube" href="" 
                                                           title="Zoe on Penn and Teller Fool Us ">Zoe on Penn and Teller Fool Us <br><br>(click for video)</a>
                                                        <span><br>Zoe's goal is to teach Penn and Teller <br>how <em>not</em> to get fooled <br>by magicians!  
                                            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 Birthday Card Stage">
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                                                        <img src="" alt="title">
														<a class="youtube" href="" 
                                                           title="Through The Window">Through the Window <br><br>(click for video)</a>
                                                        <span><br>A lost card appears on the <em>other side</em> of a window.  
                                                           <p><br>Wait!  Not the right card?
                                                           <br> No problem for our magician...
                                            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 Stage CloseUp Birthday">
                                                <div class="portfolio_single_content">
                                                        <img src="" alt="title">
                                                            <a class="youtube" href="" title="Mismatched Ropes">Mismatched Ropes<br><br>(click for video)</a>
                                                                <br>Three ropes are examined, and they are very different sizes.
                                                           <br>A little concentration from the magician and they all become the same
                                             <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 Stage">
                                                <div class="portfolio_single_content">
                                                  <img src="" alt="title">
                                                            <a class="youtube" href="" title="Siri teaches magic">Siri Teaches Magic<br><br>(click for video)</a>
                                                                <br>Siri teaches a new magic trick!                                           
                                            </div>                                           <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 CloseUp">
                                                <div class="portfolio_single_content">
                                                        <img src="" alt="title">
                                                            <a class="youtube" href="" title="Ring Throw">Ring Throw<br><br>(click for video)</a>
                                                                <br>After removing a ring, the magician magically throwns it back on his finger!
                                            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 responsive Stage Birthday">
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                                                        <img src="" alt="title">
                                                            <a class="youtube" href="" title="Candy Machine">Candy Machine<br><br>(click for video)</a>
                                                                <br>The Chinese Tube has the magical power to turn raw sugar into
                                                           candy... (an always popular effect with the kids!)
                                            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 responsive Stage">
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                                                        <img src="" alt="title">
                                                            <a target="_blank" href="" title="On Stage">On Stage<br><br>(click for photo)</a>
                                                                <br>Adam performing on stage for thousands
                                            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 responsive Stage">
                                                <div class="portfolio_single_content">
                                                        <img src="" alt="title">
                                                            <a target="_blank" href="" title="The Palace">Performing in the Palace<br><br>(click for photo)</a>
                                                                <br>Adam performing magic at the Hofburg Imperial Palace in Vienna
                                          <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 responsive CloseUp Card">
                                                <div class="portfolio_single_content">
                                                        <img src="" alt="title">
                                                            <a class="youtube" href="" title="Flipping Aces">Flipping Aces<br><br>(click for video)</a>
                                                                <br>Four aces, one-by-one, flip upside down with no apparent explanation...
                                          <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 responsive CloseUp Card">
                                                <div class="portfolio_single_content">
                                                        <img src="" alt="title">
                                                            <a class="youtube" href="" title="Color Change">Color Change<br><br>(click for video)</a>
                                                        <span><br>A black Jack turns red, right in front of your eyes.
                                            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 CloseUp Birthday">
                                                <div class="portfolio_single_content">
                                                        <img src="" alt="title">
                                                            <a class="youtube" href="" title="All to One">All to One<br><br>(click for video)</a>
                                                        <span>The cards are shown all different and a spectator chooses a card.
                                                        Before the spectator's eyes, all cards in the deck become his or her card!
                                            <!-- div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 CloseUp">
                                                <div class="portfolio_single_content">
                                                        <img src="" alt="title">
                                                            <a class="youtube" href=" " title="Twisting Jacks">Twisting Jacks<br><br>(click for video)</a>
                                                        <span>One by one, the Jacks flip over before your eyes...
                                            </div -->                                          
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                            <p class="subtitle">The Best Value in the Bay</p>
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										<i class="fa fa-birthday-cake fa-2x"></i>
										<h3>Basic Birthday</h3>
									<div class="panel-body text-center">
										<p class="lead"><strong>$75</strong></p>
									<ul class="list-group text-center">
										<li class="list-group-item">30 minute show</li>
										<li class="list-group-item">Up to 15 kids</li>
										<li class="list-group-item">Ages 8+</li>
										<li class="list-group-item">One magician</li>
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							<div class="price-box col-sm-6 price-box-featured col-md-3 wow flipInY" data-wow-delay="0.5s">
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										<i class="fa fa-star fa-2x"></i>
										<h3>Birthday Bash</h3>
									<div class="panel-body text-center">
										<p class="lead"><strong>$125</strong></p>
									<ul class="list-group text-center">
										<li class="list-group-item">45 minute show</li>
										<li class="list-group-item">Up to 25 kids</li>
										<li class="list-group-item">Ages 5+</li>
										<li class="list-group-item">One magician plus assistant</li>
									<div class="panel-footer text-center">
									<div class="price-box-ribbon"><strong>Popular</strong></div>
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										<i class="fa fa-glass fa-2x"></i>
										<h3>Private Event</h3>
									<div class="panel-body text-center">
										<p class="lead"><strong>$250</strong></p>
									<ul class="list-group text-center">
										<li class="list-group-item">90-minute strolling magic</li>
										<li class="list-group-item">Up to 300 guests</li>
										<li class="list-group-item">Close-up and Parlor settings</li>
										<li class="list-group-item">Two magicians</li>
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										<h3>Custom Event</h3>
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										<li class="list-group-item">Stage Show?</li>
										<li class="list-group-item">Strolling Magic?</li>
										<li class="list-group-item">Two magicians?</li>
										<li class="list-group-item">You decide...</li>
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