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                    <!-- Introduction -->
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                            <h2>Adam Cheyer</h2>
                            <span class="title">Artificial Intelligence / Human Computer Interaction</span> 
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                               <span class='hidden modelData'><webl>WubCall("adam.headshots", [])</webl></span>
                            <div class="about-con">
                                <p>Adam Cheyer is an inventor, entrepreneur, engineering executive, and a pioneer <br>
                                  in AI and computer human interfaces.</p>
								<p>Adam has been a co-founder or founding member of four successful startups, 
								including <a target="_blank" href="">Siri</a> (sold to <a target="_blank" href="">Apple</a>,
                                where he led server-side engineering and AI for the Siri assistant), 
								<a target="_blank" href=""></a> (the world's largest petition platform), 
								<a target="_blank" href="">Viv Labs</a> (sold to <a target="_blank" href="">Samsung</a>, 
                                 where as VP R&D, Adam leads product engineering and developer relations for Samsung’s voice assistant), and 
								<a target="_blank" href="">Sentient</a> (massively distributed machine learning, 
                                 sold to <a target="_blank" href="">Cognizant</a>).</p>

								<p>Previously, Adam was VP Engineering at Verticalnet (enterprise software) and Dejima (mobile software). 
								Adam also spent more than a decade at 
								<a target="_blank" href="">SRI International</a>, where his most recent 
								role was as Chief Architect of CALO/PAL, the U.S. government's largest funded AI project.</p>

								<p>In addition to his technology work, Adam is an award-winning magician.  He has performed in stadiums for thousands, 
								on TV for millions (including on the well-known 
								“<a target="_blank" href="">Penn and Teller Fool Us</a>” show), 
								entertained heads of state and presidents, and fooled some of the top pros in the business.</p>
								<p><div>Adam has authored more than 60 publications and 37 patents and served on numerous 
                                  <a id='myBtn'>advisory boards and committees</a>
                                    <span class='hidden modelData'><webl>WubCall("adam.boards", [])</webl></span>. 
                                He graduated with highest honors from <a target="_blank" href="">Brandeis University</a> and                                                 received the “Outstanding Masters Student” award from <a target="_blank" href="">UCLA’s School of 
                                <a target="_blank" href="" class="button">See details on LinkedIn</a> 
                                <span><a id='myBtn' class="button">Awards</a> <span class='hidden modelData'><webl>WubCall("adam.awards", [])</webl></span></span>
                                <a target="_blank" href="" class="button">Book As A Speaker</a> 
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                            <p>Adam has been author or co-author on 61 peer-reviewed publications in the areas of<br>
                               artificial intelligence, human computer interfaces, distributed computing, machine learning, 
                               conversational assistants, collective intelligence, and more.</p>

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                            <p>Adam has been author or co-author on 37 granted patents in the areas of<br>
                               artificial intelligence, human computer interfaces, distributed computing, machine learning, 
                               conversational assistants, collective intelligence, and more.</p>

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                            <h2>Projects & Demos</h2>
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							<p>This section highlights many of the systems and projects that Adam has worked on over the years.
                               Click on a &nbsp;<i style="color:white;" class='fas fa-chevron-circle-up'></i>&nbsp; to see details, 
                              related papers, video demonstrations, and more.</p>                          
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                    <!-- Magic -->
                    <article class="content magic white-bg" id="chaptermagic">
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                            <p>In addition to his technology work, Adam is an award-winning magician.  He is a member of the prestigious Magic Castle in Los Angeles, the Academy of Magical Arts (AMA), and the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM). He has performed on stage in front of thousands, on TV for millions (including on the well-known “Penn and Teller Fool Us” show), entertained heads of state and presidents, and fooled some of the top pros in the business.</p>
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                                                             <img src="/images/penn-teller-dl.jpg" alt="Penn and Teller Fool Us"/>
                                                                <div class="figcaption-details">
                                                                  	<img src="/images/icon-plus.png" height="82" width="82" alt="" />
                                                                    <h3>Penn and Teller Fool Us</h3>
                                                                    <span>Adam Cheyer: How I Created Siri</span> 
                                                          	<img src="/images/SiriTeaches.jpg" alt="Siri Teaches Siri Co-Founder A Magic Trick"/>
                                                                <div class="figcaption-details">
                                                                  <img src="/images/icon-plus.png" height="82" width="82" alt="" />
                                                                    <h3>The Hofburg Imperial Palace</h3>
                                                                    <span>Siri Teaches Siri Co-Founder A Magic Trick</span> 
                                                          	<img src="/images/firstPlace.jpg" alt="Oakland Magic Circle Closeup Competition"/>
                                                                <div class="figcaption-details">
                                                                  <img src="/images/icon-plus.png" height="82" width="82" alt="" />
                                                                    <h3>Oakland Magic Circle Closeup Competition</h3>
                                                                    <span>First Place Award, 2019</span> 
                                                           <img src="/images/zoe.jpg" alt="Fool Us: Zoe Lafleur"/>
                                                                <div class="figcaption-details">
                                                                  <img src="/images/icon-plus.png" height="82" width="82" alt="" />
                                                                    <h3>Fool Us: Zoe Lafleur</h3>
                                                                    <span>Adam taught his 10 year old niece a magic trick</span> 
                                            <!-- Lightbox Popup -->
                                            <section class="slideshow">
                                                                <h3>Penn and Teller Fool Us</h3>
                                                                <span>Adam Cheyer: How I Created Siri</span>
                                                                <p>In this episode, Adam uses a magic trick to teach a lesson in entrepreneurship: how to have a great idea, and built a prototype to prove it is better than the competition.</p>
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                                                                <div class="item"><img src="" alt="" /></div>
                                                                <h3>The Hofburg Imperial Palace</h3>
                                                                <span>Siri Teaches Siri Co-Founder A Magic Trick</span>
                                                                <p>Siri has a hard time understanding Adam, but manages to teach him a magic trick nonetheless.</p>
															<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
                                                                <h3>Oakland Magic Circle Closeup Competition</h3>
                                                                <span>First Place Award, 2019</span>
                                                                <p>Adam won the 1st Place trophy and a cash prize at the Oakland Magic Circle's 2019 Lloyd Jones Closeup Competition, performing a 10 minute routine about the Best and Worst of Magic. The Oakland Magic Circle was established in 1925, making the OMC the oldest continuously operating independent magic club west of the Mississippi.</p>
                                                            <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
                                                                <h3>Fool Us: Zoe Lafleur</h3>
                                                                <span>Adam taught his 10 year old niece a magic trick</span>
                                                                <p>When Adam performed on Penn and Teller's Fool Us, his ten year old niece was in the audience.  She said, "I want to do that".  After Adam taught Zoe one card trick, she beat out 850 professional magicians for a spot on the show the following season...</p>
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                                To book me for speaking engagements, please contact <a target="_blank" href="">BigSpeak, Inc</a>.
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