Collaborama About Help Contact Anonymous [login] Source: site.view [edit] Function name: jsonToWebL Arguments: js Description: Convert a JSON string toa WebL object, or return nil if syntax error Page type: webl Render function: Module: siteutil Page source: // var js = `{"playerSide":"O","status":"Playing","board":{"message":"I moved: B2","textRender":" 1 2 3\nA ? ? ?\nB ? X ?\nC ? ? ?\n","boardPiecePositions":[{"position":"B2","piece":"X","$id":null,"$type":"games.TicTacToeBoardPiecePosition"}],"$id":null,"$type":"games.TicTacToeBoard"},"turns":[{"toPiecePosition":{"position":"B2","piece":"X","$id":null,"$type":"games.TicTacToeToPiecePosition"},"$id":null,"$type":"games.TicTacToeTurn"}],"$id":null,"$type":"games.TicTacToeGame"}`; var getNextToken = fun (s) if (s == nil) or (s == "") then return nil end; var c = Select(s, 0, 1); var token = ""; if (c member ["{","}",",",":","[","]"]) then token = c; elsif (c == "\"") or (c == "'") then var i = 1; while (i < Size(s)) and !((Select(s, i, i+1) == c) and (Select(s, i-1, i) != "\\")) do i = i + 1 end; if (i < Size(s)) then token = Select(s, 0, i+1) end elsif (ToInt(c[0]) <= 32) then while (s != "") and (ToInt(c[0]) <= 32) do s = Select(s, 1, Size(s)); c = Select(s, 0, 1); end; if s != "" then var tki = getNextToken(s); token = tki.token end; else var j = 1; while (j < Size(s)) and !(Select(s, j, j+1) member ["{","}",",",":","[","]", " ", "\"", "'"]) do j = j + 1 end; token = Select(s, 0, j) end; return [. token = token, rest = Select(s, Size(token), Size(s)) .] end; var isNumber = fun(s) var c = ToInt(s) ? "string"; if (c == "string") then return false else return true end end; var removeQuotes = fun(s) if Str_StartsWith(s, `"`) then s = Select(s, 1, Size(s)) end; if Str_EndsWith(s, `"`) then s = Select(s, 0, Size(s)-1) end; return s end; var jsonToWebL = fun(js) var res = nil; var rest = ""; var tki = getNextToken(js); if (tki != nil) and (tki.token == "{") then res = [. .]; js =; tki = getNextToken(js); var tki2; while (tki != nil) and (tki.token != "}") do var prop = nil; var value = nil; tki = getNextToken(js); if tki != nil then prop = removeQuotes(tki.token); js =; tki = getNextToken(js); //: js =; if tki.token != ":" then return [. webl=nil, error=true, res = js .] end end; tki2 = jsonToWebL(js); if (prop != nil and tki2 != nil and tki2.error != true) then res[prop] := tki2.webl; js = else return [. webl=nil, error=true, res = js .] end; tki = getNextToken(js); if tki != nil and tki.token == "," then tki = getNextToken(js); js =; elsif tki != nil and tki.token == "}" then js =; rest = js else return [. webl=nil, error=true, res = js .] end; end; if (tki != nil) then js =; rest = js end elsif (tki != nil) and (tki.token == "[") then res = []; js =; tki = getNextToken(js); var tki2; while (tki != nil) and (tki.token != "]") do tki2 = jsonToWebL(js); if (tki2 != nil and tki2.error != true) then res = res + [ tki2.webl ]; js = else return [. webl=nil, error=true, res = js .] end; tki = getNextToken(js); if tki != nil and tki.token == "," then tki = getNextToken(js); js =; elsif tki != nil and tki.token == "]" then js =; rest = js else return [. webl=nil, error=true, res = js .] end; end; if (tki != nil) then js =; rest = js end elsif tki != nil then if isNumber(tki.token) then res = ToInt(tki.token) elsif tki.token == "null" then res = nil else res = removeQuotes(ToString(tki.token)) end; rest = else return [. webl=nil, error = true, res = js .]; end; return [. webl = res, error = false, rest = rest .] end; var tki = jsonToWebL(js); if tki == nil or tki.error == true then nil else tki.webl end;