Collaborama About Help Contact Anonymous [login] Source: site.view [edit] Function name: tips Arguments: Description: Some tips and tricks for using WubHub Page type: webl Render function: blogRender Module: site Page source: [. title="WubHub Tips and Tricks", editname="", description="Tips and Tricks for using WubHub", entries=[ /* [. title=``, postedby=``, when=`12/23/05 05:20:00 AM`, id=3, image=`URL`, content=`` .], */ [. title=`Use WubHub to Bookmark Sites`, postedby=`acheyer`, when=`01/06/06 09:48:00 AM`, id=5, content=`Is your browser's Favorites menu becoming overloaded? Use WubHub as a better way to organize your shortcuts to URLs. Here's how to add a "WubHub Bookmark" button into your browser, so that when you're visiting a website you'd like to record in WubHub, it's only a click away!<p> To add the following <a href="">bookmarklet</a> to your browser's Favorites menu, copy the following URL: <UL> <a href="javascript:function p(){window.location='"'+document.title.replace("&"," and ")+'","'+document.location.href+'")'}p()">javascript:function p(){window.location='"'+document.title.replace("&"," and ")+'","'+document.location.href+'")'}p()</a> </UL> When you click on the favorite, your current page will be sent to WubHub's bookmark() command. ` .], [. title=`Faster Command Entry`, postedby=`acheyer`, when=`01/06/06 05:12:00 AM`, id=4, content=` Here are some tips to speed up your commandline entry: <ul> <LI> Lose the quotes! Instead of a websearch <i>distance("oakland", "san francisco")</i>, you can also type <i>distance(oakland, san francisco)</i>. You don't need the quotes unless you want to embed a "," in the argument, such as <i>distance("oakland, ca", san francisco)</i> <LI> Lose the parens! Some people like the faster ":" syntax, which saves one typed character. Instead of <i>g("adam cheyer")</i>, you type the equivalent <i>g: adam cheyer</i>. <LI> Short Aliases: If you type a long command requently, simply create a new function that is an alias to this longer function, perhaps with some default arguments. For example, alias "yahooLocal(searchTerm, location)" to be customized for you: yl(searchTerm) [set the default location to where you live]. </ul> ` .], [. title=`Keep an Activity Log`, postedby=`acheyer`, when=`12/23/05 05:20:00 AM`, id=2, content=`You can see what's happening in WubHub by executing or subscribing to the <a href="WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=activityLogs">activityLogs</a> function in WubHub (must be a member and logged in). Are you doing cool things that others should know about? Start your own activityLog! Type <a href="WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=newBlog(activityLog)">newBlog(activityLog)</a> to initialize it, and then add an entry to it with the command <a href="WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=addEntryToBlog(activityLog)">addEntryToBlog(activityLog)</a> ` .], ] .]