Source: site.view [edit]
Function name: home
Description: Collaborama home page
Page type: snippet
Render function:  
Module: site

Page source:

<h1>Welcome to Collaborama!</h1>

<p>Collaborama is a Collaborative Software Creation Ecoysystem (CSCE) that enables developers and teams to conceive of software ideas, gather requirements, get feedback, team up to work on a project, develop using an iterative process that encourages code reuse, and then test, deploy, market and sell the software project and/or select components or designs used in the project.</p>

<p>The left sidebar proposes several steps to software creation:</p>
  <li> <em>Invent</em>:  Create a new project or work on an existing one; gather requirements or ideas; communicate your ideas to others.</li>
  <li> <em>Team Up</em>: Find the best people with the skills you need to join your project, using our proprietary skillsrank algorithm. </li>
  <li> <em>Develop</em>: Using a loosely coupled, collaborative, iterative, wiki-like development approach, create your project by incorporating existing components (designs, data structures, web services, or code logic) or developing new ones. </li>
  <li> <em>Market</em>: Package your component for consumption by others in the Marketplace, either as open source or as a paid component.
Everything in Collaborama is a resource, accessible by typing its name on the command line interface above.  For instance, typing "<webl> Wub_ALinkCmd("help");</webl>" will bring up a web page named "help", by looking in your <webl>Wub_ALinkCmd("path");</webl>. Resources can be passed arguments, for instance <a href="/webl/WubHub_DoIt?cmdline=distance(oakland ca,los angeles)">distance: oakland ca,los angeles</a>.  See <webl>Wub_ALinkCmd("examples");</webl> for more sample commands.  You can view the source for any resource (e.g. <webl>Wub_ALinkCmd("view: distance");</webl>) and if you have write <webl>Wub_ALinkCmd("permissions");</webl>, you will be able to edit it (e.g. <webl>Wub_ALinkCmd("edit: distance");</webl>).


More information is available on the <a href="/webl/WubHub_DoIt?">help</a> page.  

  var s = "";

   var func, item;
   var groups = Wub_GroupsMembers();

   every g in groups do
      if wubinfo.user member groups[g] then
         func = Wub_GetFunctionInfo(g + ".profile");
         var desc = (WubEval(func.exec).desc ? "");
         item = "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + Wub_ALinkCmd2(g+".profile", g) + "</td>" +
                "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + Wub_ALinkCmd2("cd:" + g, "(cd)") + "</td>" +
                "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + desc + "</td>" ;
         s = s + "<tr>" + item + "</tr>\n";
   if s == "" then
      s = "None yet."

   "<hr><h1>Your Current Projects</h1><table>"+s+"</table>";
