Source: sataire.satQuestions [edit]
[[. "id" = "es-1-1", "group" = "essay", "content" = "Two men look out through the same bars; one sees mud and one the stars. -Frederick Langbridge.", "instructions" = "Does everyone see a thing from the same perspective? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations." .], [. "id" = "s2-m-1", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "If x, y and z are three consecutive odd integers such that 10< x < y < z< 20 and if y and z are prime numbers, what is the value of x + y?", "choices" = ["24", "27", "19", "32", "15"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-2", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "If p > 0, which of the following is equal to &#8730;48p3", "choices" = ["4p&#8730;3p", "3p&#8730;4p", "2&#8730;12p", "3&#8730;8p", "16p&#8730;3p"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-3", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "If 40% of x is equal to 30% of y, what % is x of y?", "choices" = ["50%", "75%", "175%", "20%", "40%"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-4", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "If 4(3x - 3) = 24, what is 5x - 5?", "choices" = ["10", "6", "24", "3", "4"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-5", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "The average of 11 numbers is 21 . The average of seven of those numbers is 25. What is the average of the remaining four numbers?", "choices" = ["4", "12", "14", "21", "25"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-6", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "Which of the following is equivalent to 6x 2 + x - 12 ?", "choices" = ["(2x + 3)(3x - 4)", "(2x - 3)(3x - 4)", "(2x + 3)(3x + 4)", "(6x + 3)(x - 12)", "(x + 3)(2x - 12)"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-7", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "Find the perimeter of the square in which a circle of area 81(pi) is inscribed.", "choices" = ["81", "40", "72", "9", "18"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-8", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "If 2 dots are equal to 3 dashes and 5 dashes equal to 7 stars, what is the ratio of one dot to one star?", "choices" = ["10 &#8260; 21", "3 &#8260; 5", "5 &#8260; 3", "21 &#8260; 10", "2 &#8260; 3"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-9", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "A social welfare organization spends 40% of the funds collected towards old-age homes. If during an year 1.6 million dollars was spent on old-age homes, what is the total amount of funds collected in millions of dollars", "choices" = ["4.0", "6.0", "4.6", "40.0", "1.6"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-10", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "In the given figure, angle BAD = 30deg, angle BDC = 60deg, and BCE = 130deg. What is the measure of angle ABC?", "choices" = ["130deg", "90deg", "100deg", "30deg", "160deg"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-11", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "Solve for x: abs((2x - 1) / 5) <= 5", "choices" = ["12 < x < 13", "-12 < x < -13", "-5 < x < -5", "-25 < x < 25", "-12 < x < 13"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-12", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "A car travels a distance of 250 miles, 700 miles and 325 miles at the rate of 50 miles/hr, 35 miles/hr and 13 miles/hr respectively.Find the average speed of the car in miles/hr.", "choices" = ["30", "20.5", "42.5", "13", "50"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-13", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "By which of the following number is 98765432 exactly divisible?", "choices" = ["9", "7", "5", "8", "11"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-14", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "In a class of 30 students, 14 take tea and 20 take coffee. How many take both tea and coffee?", "choices" = ["16", "10", "14", "30", "4"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-15", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "In the given figure, area of square ABED is 9 square units, BC = 5 units, EF = 1 unit. Find the area of the rectangle BCGF.", "choices" = ["25 square units", "30 square units", "36 square units", "20 square units", "15 square units"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-16", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "If y^2 = c, where y and c are integers, which of the following could be the value of c?", "choices" = ["45", "17", "64", "34", "10"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-17", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "In a store, 4.5 lbs bags of nuts is found to be $12.00.  At this rate, what is the cost in cents of a bag weighing 9 ounces.", "choices" = ["15", "24", "150", "100", "240"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-18", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "Each month for 6 months the price of a commodity is doubled. At the end of the 6 months the price of the commodity is $640. What was the price of the commodity at the end of 3 months?", "choices" = ["$100", "$120", "$80", "$320", "$160"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-19", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "Alba can complete a test in 1/b hours.  At this rate, how many tests can she complete in n hours?", "choices" = ["n", "ab", "nab", "a", "b"] .], [. "id" = "s2-m-20", "group" = "math", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "An operation * is defined as follows: for any two positive integers x and y, x * y = sqrt(x + sqrt(y)).  Which of the following is an integer?", "choices" = ["11 * 4", "4 * 9", "4 * 16", "7 * 4", "9 * 9"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-1", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "The brothers vowed to __________ the death of their father.", "choices" = ["revenge", "vengeance", "reprise", "avenge", "absolve"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-2", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "__________ the corporate ladder is not a very simple task anymore; it calls for immense experience and talent.", "choices" = ["descending", "accenting", "ascending", "acceding", "assuring"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-3", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "Their attempts to __________ the conflict between their neighbors only served to __________ things.", "choices" = ["solution; worsen", "decipher; deteriorate", "devolve; amplify", "dissolve; agglutinate", "resolve; aggravate"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-4", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "His version of how the accident happened was not __________ by that of the eye-witness.", "choices" = ["corroborated", "collaborated", "cooperated", "recuperated", "recovered"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-5", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "We could not __________ if she was aware of the mishap, since her face was devoid of __________", "choices" = ["comprehend; scars", "ascertain; expression", "establish; euphoria", " resolution; emotion", "determine; makeup"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-6", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "According to the theory of evolution, apes are the __________ of human beings, but I dont think that any ape is my great-grandfather.", "choices" = ["ancestors", "descendants", "hereditary", "offspring", "children"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-7", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "The spectators became __________ when the match didnt start even after two hours.", "choices" = ["restful", "restive", "proactive", "patient", "passive"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-8", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "The witness wanted to remain  __________ because he was scared of being harassed.", "choices" = ["lost", "anonymous", "autonomous", "unanimous", "enormous"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-9", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "reference" = "The greatest thing this age can be proud of is the birth of consciousness in man. In his drunken orgies of power and national pride man may flout and jeer at it. When organized national selfishness, racial antipathy and commercial self-seeking begin to 

(5) display their ugly deformities in all their nakedness, then comes the time for man to know that his salvation is not in political organization and extended trade relations, not in any mechanical re-arrangement of social system but in a deeper transformation of life, in the liberation, consciousness in love, in the realization of God in man.", "content" = "The author uses the expression ugly deformities (in line 5) to show his indignation at __________", "choices" = ["the liberation of human consciousness", "self-interest and materialism of the people", "extended trade relations", "the drunken orgies of power", "political organizations"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-10", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "reference" = "The greatest thing this age can be proud of is the birth of consciousness in man. In his drunken orgies of power and national pride man may flout and jeer at it. When organized national selfishness, racial antipathy and commercial self-seeking begin to 

(5) display their ugly deformities in all their nakedness, then comes the time for man to know that his salvation is not in political organization and extended trade relations, not in any mechanical re-arrangement of social system but in a deeper transformation of life, in the liberation, consciousness in love, in the realization of God in man.", "content" = "In line 9, the phrase God in man implies ____________", "choices" = ["god having assumed the shape of man", "the divine qualities in God", "neither fully godly nor fully human", "man being transformed into God", "the divine qualities in man"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-11", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "reference" = "We stand poised precariously and challengingly on the razors edge of destiny. We are now at the mercy of atom bombs and the like which would destroy us completely if we fail to control them wisely. And wisdom in this crisis means sensitiveness to the basic values of life; it

(5) means a vivid realization that we are literally living in one world where we must either swim together or sink together. We cannot afford to tamper with mans single-minded loyalty to peace and international understanding. Anyone who doesnt is a traitor not only to mans past and present, but also to his future, because he is 

(10) mortgaging the destiny of unborn generations.", "content" = "In line 1, the phrase 'razors edge of destiny' means __________", "choices" = ["an enigma that cuts through the pattern of life like the edge of a razor", "a critical situation that foreordains the future", "a sharp line of division that marks the alternative courses of action in the future", "a destiny having sharp edges", "an unfavorable destiny"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-12", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "reference" = "We stand poised precariously and challengingly on the razors edge of destiny. We are now at the mercy of atom bombs and the like which would destroy us completely if we fail to control them wisely. And wisdom in this crisis means sensitiveness to the basic values of life; it

(5) means a vivid realization that we are literally living in one world where we must either swim together or sink together. We cannot afford to tamper with mans single-minded loyalty to peace and international understanding. Anyone who doesnt is a traitor not only to mans past and present, but also to his future, because he is 

(10) mortgaging the destiny of unborn generations.", "content" = "The author is so concerned about 'atom bombs' because he feels that __________", "choices" = ["atomic weapons will not destroy the whole of human civilization", "all countries are interlinked and one cannot escape the consequences what happens to another country", "the world is on the brink of disaster", "one who is not concerned is a traitor", "his country is threatened by a nuclear war"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-13", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "reference" = "The following passage has been adapted from an article published online that discusses the possibility of creating genetically engineered babies.
Paragraph 1
(1) Its only a matter of time, many say, before parents will improve their childrens intelligence and personality by having suitable genes inserted into them shortly after conception. A few commentators have welcomed genetic enhancement as the latest step forward in the age-

(5) old struggle to improve human life. But many more are appalled. They warn that it is an attempt to grab at divine powers that will never be used wisely by us mortals. They worry that it will spawn the ultimate form of inequality, a genetic caste system.
Paragraph 2
But whether they welcome or decry it, almost everyone agrees that

(10) genetic enhancement is inevitable if research proceeds on its current course.
Paragraph 3
Many prognosticators assume that we are currently discovering single genes for mathematical giftedness, musical talent, athletic prowess, and the like. The reality is very different. The Achilles heel of genetic

(15) enhancement will be the rarity of single genes with consistent beneficial effects.
Paragraph 4
Behavioral genetics has uncovered a paradox. We know that tens of thousands of genes working together have a large effect on the mind. Studies show that identical twins (who share all their genes) are more 

(20) similar than fraternal twins (who share half of those genes that vary from person to person), who in turn are more similar than adopted siblings (who share even fewer of the varying genes). Adoption studies show that children tend to resemble their biological relatives in personality and intelligence more than they resemble their 

(25) adoptive relatives.
Paragraph 5
But these are the effects of sharing an entire genome, or half of one. The effects of a single gene are much harder to show. Geneticists have failed to find single genes that consistently cause schizophrenia, autism, or manic-depressive disorder, even though these conditions 

(30) are substantially heritable. And if we cant find a gene for schizophrenia, were even less likely to find one for humor, musical talent, or likeability, because its easier to disrupt a complex system with a single defective part than to improve it by adding a single beneficial one. The 1998 report of a gene that was correlated with a 

(35) 4-point advantage in IQ was recently withdrawn because it did not replicate in a larger sample - a common fate for putative single-gene discoveries.
Paragraph 6
So don't hold your breath for the literary-creativity gene or the musical-talent gene. The human brain is not a bag of traits with one 

(40) gene for each trait. Neural development is a staggeringly complex process guided by many genes interacting in feedback loops. The effect of one gene and the effect of a second gene dont produce the sum of their effects when theyre simultaneously at work. The pattern of expression of genes (when they are turned on or off by proteins 

(45) and other signals) is as important as which genes are present.
Paragraph 7
Even when genes should be at their most predictable - in identical twins, who share all their genes, and hence all the interactions among their genes - there are no foregone conclusions about anyones traits or behavior. Identical twins reared together, who share not only their 

(50) genes but most of their environment, are imperfectly correlated in personality measures like extroversion and neuroticism. The correlations, to be sure, are much larger than those for fraternal twins or unrelated people, but they are seldom greater than .5. This tells us there is an enormous role for chance in the development of a human 

(55) being.
Paragraph 8
It gets worse. Most genes have multiple effects, and evolution selects those genes that achieve the best compromise between positive and negative impacts. Take the most famous case of genetic enhancement on record: the mice that were given extra copies of the

(60) NMDA receptor, which is critical to learning and memory. These poster mice did learn mazes more quickly - but they also turned out to be hypersensitive to pain. Closer to home, there is a gene in humans that may be correlated with a 10-point boost in IQ. But it is also associated with a 10-percent chance of developing torsion dystopia,

(65) which can confine the sufferer to a wheelchair with uncontrollable muscle spasms.
Paragraph 9
So even if genetic enhancement could work in principle, the problem is how to get there from here. How can scientists try out different genes to enhance the minds of babies given that many of those genes could

(70) have terrible side effects?
Paragraph 10
Genetic enhancement faces another problem: Most traits are desirable at intermediate values. Wallis Simpson said that you can't be too rich or too thin, but other traits don't work that way. Take aggressiveness. Parents don't want their children to be punching bags

(75) or doormats, but they don't want Attila the Hun, either. Most want their children to face life with confidence rather than sitting at home cowering in fear, but they don't want a reckless daredevil. So even if a gene had some consistent effect, whether the effect was desirable would depend on what the other tens of thousands of genes 

(80) in that child are doing.
Paragraph 11
My point is not that genetic enhancement is impossible, just that it is far from inevitable. And that has implications. Some bioethicists have called for impeding or criminalizing certain kinds of research in genetics and reproductive medicine, despite their promise of improvement in

(85) health and happiness. That is because the research, they say, will inevitably lead todesigner babies. If genetic enhancement really were just around the corner, these proposals would have to be taken seriously. But if the prospect is very much in doubt, we can deal with the ethical conundrums if and when they arise. Rather than decrying 

(90) our post human future, thinkers should acknowledge the frailty of technological predictions. They should base policy recommendations on likelihoods rather than fantasies.", "content" = "What is the meaning of the word 'appalled' as used in line 5, paragraph 1? ", "choices" = ["Happy", "Horrified", "Delighted", "Apathetic", "Ecstatic"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-14", "group" = "reading", "reference" = "ref2", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "According to you what conclusion has the author formed about Genetic enhancement?", "choices" = ["Genetic enhancement has no drawbacks and is the next best thing to happen to man after computers.", "The drawbacks of genetic enhancement are minor compared to the advantages for mankind.", "Genetic enhancement can have serious implications if the whole process is not thought through with caution.", "Genetic enhancement is never going to happen; it is just a myth.", "Genetic enhancement is a reality, which is in the offing."] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-15", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "reference" = "ref2", "content" = "What does the author mean when he says that 'genetic enhancement is not impossible... it is far from inevitable'? (Paragraph 11)", "choices" = ["Genetic enhancement is inevitable; scientists are on the verge of a breakthrough.", "There is a long way to go before genetic enhancement becomes reality.", "Genetic enhancement is not inevitable, it is impossible.", "Genetic enhancement is neither impossible nor inevitable.", "Genetic enhancement is a reality."] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-16", "group" = "reading", "reference" = "ref2", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "What does the author describe as 'the Achilles heel of genetic enhancement'? (Paragraph 3)", "choices" = ["Isolating genetic material.", "Identifying individual genes with specific beneficial effects.", "Counteracting the detrimental effects of specific genes.", "Locating the gene to increase human IQ.", "Isolating and identifying individual genes."] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-17", "group" = "reading", "reference" = "ref2", "type" = "multiple", "content" = "After reading the passage, what do you think is the authors opinion about genetic enhancement?", "choices" = ["He is in favor of genetic enhancement to produce designer babies.", "He doesnt believe genetic enhancement has any benefit for mankind.", "He feels parents will be put off by the expense involved.", "He believes genetic enhancement might happen, but it is not imminent.", "He feels genetic enhancement may be detrimental to Humans"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-18", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "reference" = "ref2", "content" = "According to the author, the fact that scientists have been unable to isolate single genes which are responsible for causing schizophrenia, autism, or manic-depressive disorder prove that these are not heritable. What does he want to convey? (Paragraph 5)", "choices" = ["It has been proved that schizophrenia, autism, and manic depressive disorder cannot be inherited.", "Scientists have not been able to isolate the genes responsible for causing certain diseases.", "It is difficult to prove that certain diseases are heritable because scientists have not been able to isolate the single genes responsible for causing these diseases.", "The author does not discuss these issues in the passage.", "The passage does not contain sufficient information."] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-19", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "reference" = "ref2", "content" = "When the author says that 'there is an enormous role for chance in the development of a human being', what does he mean? (Paragraph 7)", "choices" = ["When genes interact, the effect on human behavior and development can never be predicted accurately.", "When two genes interact, the result is the sum of their individual behavior.", "Identical twins are identical in every respect; this proves that genetic behavior can be predicted accurately.", "A genetically engineered babys personality and behavior can be predicted from its genetic make-up.", "When two genes interact, the result can be predicted absolutely."] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-20", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "reference" = "ref2", "content" = "What does the word 'conundrums' (Line 89, paragraph 11) mean in this context?", "choices" = ["Challenges", "Quizzes", "Examinations", "Answers", "Problem"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-21", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "reference" = "ref2", "content" = "The mice that were genetically enhanced with the NMDA receptor were able to learn mazes faster (Paragraph 8). This was because _____________", "choices" = ["they were hypersensitive to pain.", "they were given more rewards than normal mice.", "their capacity for learning and memory was modified.", "their capacity to enjoy the maze was multiplied.", "the mice were genetically defective."] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-22", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "reference" = "ref2", "content" = "Fraternal twins who share half of their genes resemble each other more than identical twins who share all their genes. Which of the following statement conveys this most appropriately? (Paragraph 4)", "choices" = ["Fraternal twins resemble each other more than identical twins.", "Fraternal twins resemble each other less than identical twins.", "Neither fraternal twins nor identical twins resemble each other.", "The author does not discuss these issues in the passage.", "The passage does not contain sufficient information."] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-23", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "reference" = "ref2", "content" = "What does the author suggest when he claims that single genes for mathematical giftedness, musical talent, athletic prowess etc. have not been isolated. (Paragraph 3)", "choices" = ["It will be difficult to isolate single genes with consistent benefits.", "Single genes have already been isolated.", "Single genes for only musical talent have been isolated.", "The author does not discuss these issues in the passage.", "It is likely that single genes will be isolated in the near future"] .], [. "id" = "s2-r-24", "group" = "reading", "type" = "multiple", "reference" = "ref2", "content" = "What does the author mean when he says that '...parents don't want their children to be punching bags or doormats'?", "choices" = ["Parents don´t want their children to become boxers.", "Parents don´t want their children to be docile or submissive.", "Parents don´t want their children to be aggressive.", "Parents want their children to be passive and meek.", "Parents want their children to be passive and meek."] .]]