Source: perfectCartoon.PER5 [edit]

perfectCartoon.PER5 -- Create Synonyms List for Categories

Assigned to: acheyer
State: issueFixed
Tags: P3

It would be nice if synonym words can be added down the road to common category words. ie. I use the word entrepreneurship but not entrepreneur. I can add them manually but hopefully there is a way to automate adding all the possible synonyms down the road (since people may use one or both or other synonyms). Right now I have ‘Entrepreneurship’ and ‘Startups’ as the common categories. Of course some people may spell ‘Startup’ ‘Start-up’ too. Just a feature to consider moving forward. Thanks. ============ This was fixed. There's now a synonym Google Docs file at LIN When you build the search index, it will incorporate any synonyms to categories you have created.